Coded green.

Friday 13 April 2007

Screenshot anime High School Girls

Pic of the day: "I'll just keep eating until I get married" says this girl. But actually, that's often when it really takes off. There are good reasons for that, actually.

Short: "Wanna have lunch"

I have occasionally reflected on the disproportionate number of love songs compared to food songs. In a way this is not so strange, since food can be bought and almost everyone can afford plenty of it these days. With love we are not so fortunate, although a remarkable high number of people claim to have found love at some point in their life. (Some of them repeatedly.)

I have also mentioned that I believe food is more important to women than men, for the simple reason that food is necessary for life for both of them, but for women it is also essential for reproduction. In fact, the onset of puberty in girls is in most cases dependent on a certain amount of body fat (though it will eventually happen anyway, just years later). Likewise if the fat reserves fall too low, a woman might become infertile to the point of not even ovulating any longer. For a man, there needs only be enough energy to carry him through the night, and his part of procreation is done. You don't need a whole glazed chocolate cake for that. But to bear a child to term, you need lots of those. (Or some other reliable source of calories, though it is hard to beat chocolate cake.) So in this respect, we are definitely not created equal!

So it is somewhat heartwarming to see that Weird Al has made a song called "Girls just wanna have lunch", of course to the tune of "Girls just wanna have fun". I actually bought a CD by Cindy Lauper (?) with that song, after my best friend played it a lot. It is not quite so much fun without my best friend, but still a catchy tune. Weird Al definitely puts the fun back in. And if that was not enough, there is this amateur music video on YouTube that features Al's song with footage from the anime Slayers. Even if you have never seen Slayers (and in fact I haven't, even though it is one of the more famous anime), you should be able to appreciate the expressiveness of the characters.

Girls Just Wanna Have Lunch.

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: "Men are animals"
Two years ago: Yes, yes, eating!
Three years ago: Aishiteru ze Baby
Four years ago: Meanwhile, in Camelot ...
Five years ago: SimCountry lessons
Six years ago: Power days
Seven years ago: Whining
Eight years ago: Starting at

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