A day later

My pulse improved gradually and was fine in the morning. I went to work (an hour late) but skipped the afternoon walking hour. Stayed home and tanked up on carbs. ^_^ I remember how in 2005, when I had at least two such episodes like yesterday, it was also in a phase when I was walking a lot and losing weight. I am not sure that is a coincidence, since that has really not happened since. Until now.

Well, I am not a doctor and not playing one on TV. I just want you to know that I didn’t die that night at least!

And if I die before I wake, the Buddha and Confusius and Lao-Tzu are all a very easy read if you find a good translation. ^_^ But to quote the double-edged Irish songwriter Chris de Burgh:

We must show respect for all the rest and what a man believes;
and the one who died upon the cross, well he is the One for me.
And he says:  Come with me and you will see
the Light that shines for eternity.
Be strong and learn to say the words ‘I love you’!

And this endless road that we are on just keeps on going ’round
but there’s one destination that always is here to be found –
so come with me and you will see
the Light that shines for eternity.
Be strong and learn to say the words ‘I love you’.



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