
This is the main Chaos Node blog. It is written by Magnus Itland, a middle-aged Norwegian man who lives a life of voluntary celibacy and private solitude. Well, the solitude is partially broken by work, but the celibacy is not.

The personal life, including health issues and their solutions, is documented on the sub-blog Slice of Chaotic Life, starting October 12, 2011. Before that, it was all mixed up with the philosophy, science, religion, entertainment, book reviews and miscellanea of this blog. And before there was the blog, there was the hand-coded online journal, stretching back to 1998!

If I’m not dead, feel free to contact me. Happy reading to you!

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Magnus!

    Your post on LifeFlow was most interesting and clarifying (I am using it to aid my meditation since a few months and am really enjoying it). Thanks for writing it!

    I’d love to have a chat with you some time about the program and your “spiritual” practice (and whatever we might come up with ;).

    Have a great day!

  2. Hei Magnus 🙂 Takk for sist 🙂 leste innlegget ditt om menigheten. Ta en tur innom Brunstad igjen! Vel er vi langt mer moderne enn i ‘dine’ dager, men ordet som blir forkynt i menigheten er like skarpt og kraftig, og lyset skinner klarere og klarere. Det som har hovedfokus er det skjulte livet med Kristus i Gud, og all synd er forbannnet. Det blomstrer og trives i menigheten, og barn, unge, voksne og eldre gleder seg over mye godt for både ånd, sjel og legeme. Selv om menigheten utvikler seg i takt med tiden på mange områder, er vi like ‘gammeldagse’ når det kommer til synd. Sånn sett skiller vi oss mere og mere ut, fordi vi tar Guds ord på alvor og tror at det er like aktuelt i dag som da det ble skrevet. Hilsen Hanna (som vel var liten jente i Kristiansand på den tiden du gikk på møter der, men husker deg godt 🙂

  3. Hello,
    I was searching the internet for information on dyslexia and the game of go and I came across your site. My son is dyslexic, and I have recently discovered the game of go. I found myself wondering whether it would be a good game for my son, whether the dyslexic brain would find the game annoyingly difficult because of its reversible patterning, or whether the dyslexic brain’s gestaltist patterning might see things in it that my “typical” brain cannot. I am very interested to hear your thoughts.
    (I am also on pandanet go, if you ever fancy a game, user name BajiNaji.)

    Thank you,


    • Thank you for asking.
      Some years ago I wrote some simple software for a friend whose work specialized in dyslexia. He needed to run several different tests on the kids he was working with, making the text more challenging in a number of different ways: Byremovingspaces, b rmvng lttrs, by cre ati ng new gaps, adn by siwtchnig chracatres. Stuff like that. What he found was that dyslexia is not a uniform condition that you have or don’t have, but a mixed bag of several different conditions with little more in common than the end result of reading difficulties. He also mentioned research that showed someone might be dyslexic in English but not in Chinese, which uses logograms instead of strings of letters. Presumably also the other way around, although I don’t remember whether we discussed that.

      So I don’t think there is a definite answer to whether dyslexia is correlated with abilities in Go, except obviously that high-level players these days read a great deal of Go theory. I think you may be doing some original research, so hopefully you will publish your observations somewhere at some point.

  4. Hi. I too have dabbled with Holosync and LIfeflow off and on for a number of years and keep going back after I’ve lost my way from the path of moving forward. I’m now starting to play with Gnaural to create some lifeflowesque tracks minus the indifferent music. Do you have any presets to share ?

    • I am not an artistic type. I made some trippy stuff with music but discarded it pretty soon. The presets I use now are embarrassingly simple. My go-to preset is a 30 minute flat line, an alternating 0.5 Hz isochronic pulse with a prefab rain soundscape to take the edge off it. You can see it here:
      Pretty simple, but it works great if I can’t sleep. ^_^

      I wouldn’t post it in a general post since at 0.5 Hz, it could cause some creepy side effects in people without training in brainwave entrainment. I’ve had friends who got headache or double vision after trying to start straight at 1 Hz. One even started to experience seizures. But that won’t be a problem for a seasoned user who has done his homework. ^_^

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