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Near winter

Recent updates

February 28: Shock exchange
February 27: A note about OneNote
February 26: New hard disk
February 25: Short: Snow and taxes
February 24: Beauty and the rap
February 23: "Winter Light"
February 22: The blizzard continues
February 21: The blizzard hits
February 20: Not so poor anymore?
February 19: The Core and the Gap
February 18: Fast forward
February 17: Anthropic principle non-answered
February 16: Bye bye bills
February 15: ...that ends well"
February 14: Non-Valentinous day
February 13: New video card (almost)
February 12: Gods of electricity...
February 11: More DRM chaos
February 10: Adventures with online movies
February 9: Fast forward
February 8: Thinking outside the walls
February 7: Short: Morning shift again
February 6: City Life Deluxe
February 5: Not whiny enough
February 4: Heart's Keep
February 3: "Afasaba nepshi"
February 2: Entitlement and guilt
February 1: Running without a goal