Coded green.

Sunday 22 January 2006

Screenshot anime Mahoraba Heartful Days

Pic of the day: Because you wondered...

Bus dream

I was quite tired and fell asleep quickly. Almost immediately I began to dream. This has happened fairly often these last few years. These dreams seem to be without exception scary or at least unpleasant. This could be because I keep sleeping when dreams are pleasant and so forget my dreams; but there is also research showing that most people have their most depressing dreams early in the night, then gradually more optimistic towards the morning. But those tests were done after showing disturbing movies; my early dreams are much worse than my actual memories from the day.

This time in my dream I was taking the bus from Kristiansand. We had barely started when I realized that something was wrong. The driver was either drunk or crazy: He was driving recklessly, the bus weaving from side to side like a drunk dancer. The few passengers were pale, probably thinking the same as I: We are all going to die! I rose from my seat and was making my way forward as the dream mercifully ended.

That's all there is to it. I don't think this was prophetic or anything. I just wanted to write it down, to show my future self (if any) and others what kind of creepy dreams a happy man can have out of the blue, straight after falling asleep. It certainly isn't by the book: According to accepted theory, we don't start having vivid dreams until a while after the first deep sleep, typically 70-80 minutes after we fall asleep. But my creepy dreams start and end within 5-10 minutes. I guess I am weird even in my dreams!

Yesterday <-- This month --> Tomorrow?
One year ago: Fast forward
Two years ago: Ingrid Alexandra
Three years ago: Happy world
Four years ago: Computer junkyard
Five years ago: Sweet little gods
Six years ago: Bellyaching
Seven years ago: Webcams don't smile

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