Slice of Chaotic Life

The daily life of a celibate middle-aged man.

Archive for April, 2013

Goo and fresh air

Posted by Itlandm on April 19, 2013

This morning I got up early because I had something in my bronchi and could not breathe freely. I suspect my sinuses, they have been working tirelessly the last few nights filling my nose and throat with thick goo. I guess some of this made it further down, it sometimes does after a few days. It remind me way too much of my childhood when I would wake up unable to breathe from asthma. But this was not asthma, it did not work the same way. Still, I could not keep sleeping like that. As usual, I got better with time, as I coughed up the goo. Around 10 I was fine.

In fact, after I came home from work I took a walk with some jogging to keep the pulse at recommended level. So there was no sign of respiratory problems at that time. It seems to be only at night, especially toward the morning.

Spring arrived fairly late (for the south coast of Norway) and it is still chilly, but no longer below freezing. So I can exercise now, but I do it in moderation at least as I start the season. The arctic winter has not really let me exercise outside, except walking rapidly to and from the bus, about 25 minutes a day. I guess even that is more than some people get, but adding another 35-40 minutes feels good.  Humans just were not created in an office, as I like to say. (Although Martin Luther supposedly believed women were created with larger backsides as a sign that they should sit still. Well, sitting still will surely help those grow even larger, I think.)


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Just a little more

Posted by Itlandm on April 13, 2013

They built a new bridge across the river/fjord here in Mandal, from the new big culture house over to the mainland part of the town. I walked across it for the first time today ( a few hours after witnessing the official opening, with marching bands and balloons and stuff). When I go that direction, the round trip around the town center becomes 40 minutes instead of 30. Nice.

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Deep breaths

Posted by Itlandm on April 1, 2013

Strangeness of the day. I am reluctant to even call this a health challenge as it is now. Since sometime this morning, I have felt the need to breathe extra deeply, as if I was not getting enough air. I believe this is usually a sign of neurosis, although I have also read a theory that it comes from lack of salt. I don’t see that I have eaten less salt than usual though. I have a very good reason to be neurotic in a few days, though.

The interesting part is where I went for a brisk walk, as I have started doing now that the arctic winter seems to have ended and the air is above freezing during daytime. I put on my pulse watch again, and was surprised to see the pulse being about as low as it has ever been, just three days after it was racing like crazy for five hours. Now, if I had actually been having trouble absorbing oxygen, a brisk walk would not even been possible, and if I tried, my heart would definitely have had to work hard to bring what little oxygen there was around. But the opposite was true. I would guess that my deeper breathing was the cause for the low pulse.



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