Coded green.

Sunday 29 April 2001


Pic of the day: Umm, trees. Yes, that is it. Trees. There is no deeper meaning. Trees don't need deeper meaning, as long as they have roots.

Forgettable Sunday

Well didn't this day just run off. I woke up to a beautiful song. I think that was today. Or was it yesterday? You see, I had this long nap later in the day and that confuses my sense of time, hardly very stable in the first place. It was one of those songs about some poor wandering male and the endless road. Actually recent research shows that the females seem to have mixed more widely than the males (some genes are specific to the female, and some to the male, and they can be tracked now that we have the tools). But anyway, in songs it's always the poor wandering male. Perhaps we're just better at pitying ourselves. The song was nice, though.

Oh yes, eventually I got up, then played a bit of Daggerfall and probably something else. The Sims? Was that before or after? Anyway, I grew tired and went to sleep again. What a day. While sleeping, I dreamt that I read the next several strips of CRFH!!!, and found out that Dave and Margaret were half-brother and -sister. Which is rather perverse, since Dave has spent the last few days trying not to stare at her bra. (It's not called a comic strip for nothing, I guess.) But then I woke up and it was all a dream.

I love dreams. I used this one later in the day, adapted to the online roleplaying story on the Acid Reflux forum. Sort of. Of course, there are layers upon layers of deception. The girl that my subconscious actually thinks of as a sister is almost certainly someone else again. I'll leave that as an exercise for my friends. :)


Do I really need to fill several pages when it was just another normal day? I've finished reading The Chaos Balance by L.E. Modesitt Jr. It was good, as expected. The end was slightly rushed, I feel. You know, when you see there's only a few pages left and it all seems hopeless. Some people evidently takes pride in wrapping up fast, but I don't particularly adore it.

Oh yes, and I found out that you can use Avantgo to get my diary to go even if it is not made for PDA / pocket computers. It looks a bit strange but is definitely readable. Research continues. The reason I found out was that Ms Lisa had a PDA enabled journal. I tried it. It is not particularly interesting, but it is definitely a journal to go. :) And I don't think I'm all that interesting myself today. No speculations, no science. Just an everyday day, running through my fingers like dry sand.

Better luck next time. I really would hate it if my whole life started to speed off like this. Suddenly just whoooossshh! it's gone. Ack.

But at least the trees remain, for a while.

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