LED day

LED lamp, dark blue light

A light in the darkness – in the dark blueness in the non-darkness… what is this, I don’t even…

It is no secret that I have loved LED (light-emitting diode) lamps almost since they were in the labs. They appeal to my “because it can be done” side. I latched on to LED flashlights and head lamps almost as sure as they came in the shop. But only this year have LED bulbs become reasonably affordable and available here in Norway, and this is the first house I systematically set out to replace incandescent bulbs with them when the former attain their planned obsolescence. This summer I replaced the one in the bathroom, then in fall one in the kitchen, and today one in the bath and one in the living room. They still cannot replace the main light in a working room, such as my home office, but are great for smaller lamps.

While in the shop I came across one LED lamp with 768 colors and remote control. Needless to say, there is no reason to buy that. It probably requires illegal drugs to fully enjoy even if one is young*. But I bought it anyway. Because it could be done. A lightbulb with uncountably many colors and a remote. I love living in an alternate future.

*) I still have my lava lamp. But I only enjoy it partially!


3 thoughts on “LED day

  1. I have not read these two particular books – perhaps I will some day – but science and mysticism are old allies. Isaac Newton and Blaise Pascal were among the great mystics of their age. Albert Einstein was certainly not religious in the churchian sense, but we can see from some of his comments that he had mystic traits. Conversely, great religious figures rarely have a problem with science. John Wesley studied electricity and was a pioneer in its medical use. The Norwegian religious hero Hans Nielsen Hauge taught economics to his followers and was instrumental in the later prosperity and independence of the country.

    I personally find no conflict between science and religion. They are both about exploring the unknown by expanding from what is known, in a consistent manner.

    I believe that there are people who are not particularly curious, and accept things without thinking much, and these may fall into either religion or science as a full explanation of everything. They simply seek an excuse not to experience what they do not know already, perhaps because they are troubled by great fear and uncertainty. Those who have a hunger for the truth will feel at home in both true science and true religion.

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