Personal: My legs hate biking

Since the even more personal posts used to be on this website until recently, I’ll link to this one here: “My legs hate biking.” I don’t think it has general interest, most people seem to have no problems with biking.

One thought on “Personal: My legs hate biking

  1. I haven’t been crazy about biking since I was a little girl and would ride my old pink bicycle up and down our “alley” (basically a little dirt road that went behind all the houses on the highway alongside ours). That was FUN. As an adult, though, for some reason, it just isn’t enjoyable. And like you said, it is more tiring than walking or even jogging. I’m not sure why, but . . . you are not alone in that. As far as being rough on your knees . . . I wonder why that is. Jeff’s doctors suggested a bike or a stationary bicycle after he had the surgery on his knee, in which they installed a variety of pins and bolts and other miscellaneous bits of hardware. He doesn’t actually bike, though. He works all the time out in his shop, and apparently it is enough. (Which is aggravating to me.)

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