Our true nature?

The precious moment when, somehow, we become able to stand outside our own thoughts and look at them. Treasure these moments, for they are where we learn to know this mysterious, unknown person known as “myself”.

See if this does not resonate in your heart, as it did in mine.  “In the spirit world, what a person thinks about or prays for most strongly reveals their true nature. Awakening to this truth will completely turn your life around.”

I have a hard time imagining how it could possibly be otherwise. What else would more clearly reveal our nature?  Certainly not our title or paycheck. Certainly not our house or car. Not even our looks or our health. Probably not our political affiliation or even, in and of itself, what church or temple we go to, if any. But as the Bible says: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he”.  (Proverbs 23:7.)

If there is a problem with the original statement, it is that it is obvious. “It says itself” as we often say here in Norway. Well of course we are what we think! Really? Then why do appearances mean anything to us at all? Why does it matter what this or that person thinks about us?

If we want to know who we really are, there is no way around observing ourselves as the days go by. What am I thinking about when I am not thinking about anything else? When I am at rest, perhaps before falling asleep at night? When I am waiting in line and the line is slow, where are my thoughts? And what, if anything, do I wish so much to see happen that I am willing to pray for it when no one on Earth sees me?

It appeared to me, that we might imagine we were taken away to a secret place of power, and there ordered to state the deepest wish of our heart.  (Such an event starts one of my unfinished stories, which may be why I can imagine it easily.) Now, if this our greatest wish was to come true, that would certainly be something.  But what is it?  Do we really know that? And is this, our aspiration as it may be called, what we actually think about when waiting for the bus?

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