Slice of Chaotic Life

The daily life of a celibate middle-aged man.

Archive for the ‘Slice of life’ Category

Ingress journal: Too much help…

Posted by Itlandm on July 24, 2013

So today this visiting Resistance Agent took out two of our portals which had a heap of links, and which incidentally belonged to other Enlightenment agents (Fullmakt, more exactly, from when he retook the city earlier this summer a few hours after it went blue). Again he left only one or two resonators so I could easily retake them and set up fields again. It is hard to imagine that he is not intentionally helping me advance. Which is nice of him, but…

My body is telling me that it would really appreciate a day of not traipsing around for an hour or more on hard pavement and being baked in the sun.  I am stiff and sore in many places and some of my fingertips tingle much of the time. (Although I suppose the last part could come from something else.)

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Dream: Young again

Posted by Itlandm on July 23, 2013

This morning I had a dream I remembered, even though I did not sleep as long as I prefer. Usually I remember my dreams best when I sleep in. Also in this dream I was myself, only younger. Often in my memorable dreams, I am someone else who I have never heard of, and their friends and family are also complete strangers to my waking self. Not always, but very often when the dream is not completely trivial.

In my dream I was in my 20es and living in Kristiansand. And so was the girl that was more or less my best friend for a while during that time. However, in my dream she was already a young adult, not the young teenager she was when I was actually that age; it seems the age difference between us had shrunk to something like 5 years, or at least I hope so. Jacobsen, who was Youth Leader in our Church at the time (both in the dream and in real life) was helping me pick an engagement ring for my upcoming engagement to Old Friend. But the ring he found was very big and colorful and frankly did not look like an engagement ring anywhere in the western world at least.  It seems the Youth Leader had negotiated the engagement (if it wasn’t his idea entirely?) because I realized somewhat belatedly that perhaps I ought to talk to the girl about it before the big party, and hear whether she really was OK with this. Since it was still kind of unofficial, we talked about it very vaguely and generally, but she did not seem to mind. This was when I woke up, highly amused by our dialogue. We were beating around the bush like professionals. Or as we say in Norway: “Like the cat around the hot porridge.”


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Ingress journal: Finally level 5!

Posted by Itlandm on July 21, 2013

With a little (unintentional?) help from our Resistance visitor, I got almost to level 5 yesterday. Today I completed it. I spent two and a half hour traipsing around in Kristiansand in the late afternoon when the ultraviolet rays can’t get to me, hacking and recharging every portal except one, and setting up a couple new links, creating a new field that covered even more of the city than before the bluebird flew through.

Someone threw a few bursters at my two portals by the railway station. There were no other attacks, and they were not sustained when I remote recharged, so I would assume it was someone traveling through with train. Trains between Stavanger and Oslo make a stop in Kristiansand. The railway does not go through the city, instead the trains drive into the station and change direction, turning the seats. This takes a while, along with passengers boarding and unboarding, and this fits with the timing of the attacks. So probably a “drive by” attack. Those are the best. More AP for recharging, no lasting damage.

Almost certainly this was a new player, since he did not have enough firepower to destroy any of the resonators and tried anyway. If you attack a portal without destroying any resonators, you get no points for it, while the defender gets points when recharging it. In fact, even if you do manage to take down some of the resonators but not all, the defender gets more AP for replacing them than you got for destroying them. This is why I think it was a newbie attack.

Anyway, with the two and a half hours of continuous movement, plus several shorter trips in Mandal before, my feet had enough. I was also quite hungry. I must have left a trail of dead calories all over the town. ^_^

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Posted by Itlandm on July 18, 2013

I had run out of whole belts to keep my trousers up. Most of my trousers are rather wide for me now, and so have the belts. I think they widen gradually over time, although it takes months and in some cases a year or two. But eventually the inner hole is not enough, and there is the choice of either buying a new belt or a leather hole puncher. The belt was cheaper, so I got one with two holes to spare inside the one I am using now. Even if it widens over time, this should be enough.

In the past, I actually lost girth because I lost fat. (I used to be 94 kg (or about twice that in pounds) before the illness in 2005. I lost a lot of weight then, but gradually went back to 89 kg. Then when I started traipsing around outdoors much of the year again, I went back to 84-85, where I am stuck now. But even though my weight is the same, the belts get wider and wider. So I am pretty sure the leather stretches over time, just very slowly.

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Ingress journal: Maintenance

Posted by Itlandm on July 16, 2013

Each evening, I think: “I could go harvest the two nearest portals, it is less than 15 minutes, but my feet/legs are so sore/stiff, it just isn’t worth it.” And each morning I wake up and my feet and legs feel perfectly OK. I am getting sleepy by midnight, sometimes even an hour before midnight, which probably means my body is aiming for at least 1 cycle of delta sleep, which releases regenerating hormones. (Well, the precursor hormone to Human Growth Hormone, technically, but it sets rolling the snowball of cellular growth throughout the body so it is nice to have. Young people make this several times a night, but at my age it is common to have only 1 or at best 2 sessions of delta sleep each night, in the beginning of the night.) I am only joking when I say that it is the XM from the portals that does this to my body. Science would say it is the exercise.

Like the body, portals also needs a refill from time to time, or they will decay. Well, the resonators will decay; the portal continues to exist but will revert to gray (neutral). Each resonator fades by 15 percentage points per day. That’s 90% in 6 days, so on the 7th day they revert to neutral unless you renew them. Of course, if there is a competitor, they can take it over before it goes that far, and they have an easier job the less energy there is.

To renew portals that I don’t have time to visit, such as those in Grimstad or Vigeland, I can recharge them at a distance. But some of the effect is lost over the distance. For instance, Grimstad is 40 km from Kristiansand, and the efficiency is 98%, so 2% is lost.  Mandal is 34 km from Kristiansand, so it is not smart to recharge Mandal portals from Kristiansand when I am coming back there later in the day anyway. Also the portals in Vigeland are much closer when I am in Mandal. So tactical charging is an issue.

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Routine doctor visit

Posted by Itlandm on June 27, 2013

Yesterday was routine dentist visit, no holes. Today was routine doctor visit, no holes that shouldn’t be there. They took three large vials of blood. I am not sure why they can’t just use the same one for all the tests, but there is probably a reason. And I still have plenty left.

I did not get the results, but I got the results from my previous check in January (I think it was, or was it December?) Everything was great then. Even my blood sugar was in the acceptable range, which surprised me. I did not even know that was possible for me. I eat almost exclusively carbs, since I cannot absorb more than small amounts of fat and see no reason to eat excessive amounts of protein, which is usually wasteful to produce. I get plenty enough in the milk products I eat daily though.

He checked my pulse (60) and my blood pressure, which was just peachy. (12o over something in the European measurements, I have no idea what this is in the last stronghold of strange units, but it seemed to make the doctor happy.) He is also satisfied with my weight, which is around 84 now. It was 85 in winter, but once I started traipsing around outdoors, it fell to the same level as last year. Most humans who lose weight, gain it again after some months, so that was probably why he was so pleased. He has this theory that I won’t get diabetes unless I put those few pounds back on. My mother had serious diabetes and my earthly father also supposedly has some of it, so when I got “pre-diabetes” or insulin resistance a couple years ago, my doctor got worried. I think my lifelong exercise asthma is more worrisome: Without it, I could run for miles every week, what with this insanely low resting pulse. Then there would be no insulin resistance. On the other hand my food bills would go up, I guess. Silver lining!

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Routine dentist visit

Posted by Itlandm on June 26, 2013

Dentist visit was originally scheduled for tomorrow, but I already had a doctor appointment then. Since I can never know for sure how long a doctor visit will take, even a routine checkup, I asked for another time for the dentist, and actually got a day earlier!

No holes, and the only thing that hurt was my wallet.  I told him, and he was amused. ^_^

If the dentists of my childhood and youth had space age equipment like this (and the skills to use it), my mouth would have looked rather different now. So there are some benefits to growing up in this age, challenging as it may otherwise be! Of course, there are benefits to us who simply were allowed to survive into this age too – my grandmother had lost all her teeth before I remember, and my grandfather most of his. Now I am of the same age as the current grandparent generation, and miss only a few teeth, and years go by where I don’t have even a tiny hole.

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More excessive Ingressing

Posted by Itlandm on June 23, 2013

Traipsed around from portal to portal for about four hours yesterday, an hour and a half today.  I guess four hours is a bit excessive even for me. Tonight my left foot hurts a little, perhaps it is related. Also, I have been hungry much of the day, getting hungry shorter time after meals than usual.

I suppose it is the human condition for most people, to have a hard time stopping when they are full. But for me this is most pronounced when I am physically active.  Well, perhaps I should eat something less delicious, that would help me stop as soon as the hunger is stilled. I’ve eaten a lot of fruit yogurt lately.

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Excessive outdoorsyness

Posted by Itlandm on May 26, 2013

Yesterday I was out walking in the sun for 3-4 hours in a stretch. This was not the best possible idea, I guess, judging from my bright red nose and forehead today. So today I waited until late in the afternoon before taking the bus to Kristiansand to hack portals. The sun was setting when I took the bus home. But that was two and a half hours later. I guess it adds up, because I feel even more tired than yesterday.

I did not jog, just walked and walked. But evidently there are limits even to that. I haven’t really been exercising more than an hour at a time at all this year. Last summer I would typically follow a 5-quarter many days, but this year I mostly take the 40-minute route (over the new bridge). I have read in numerous popular science articles that there is little benefit in exercising more than 30 minutes a day. I already do approximately that just getting to work and back, not to mention any trips in the lunch break. So adding another 40 minutes after I come home is pure luxury, I guess, but I often enjoy it.

Evidently adding a couple more hours to that requires my body to make some adjustments. Pulse remains 10-15 beats over normal throughout the rest of the evening. If I don’t have an infection without knowing it, the higher pulse usually means the body is busy changing something. Perhaps adding new tiny blood vessels to muscles, or adding glycogen to muscles or liver, or shuffling fat around from long-term deposits to more accessible places. I don’t expect the muscles themselves to bulk up simply from traipsing around on the pavement.

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Posted by Itlandm on May 12, 2013

I have written about these attacks from time to time almost from the beginning of my journal in the late 1990es. Back then I had no idea what they came from. After 2005 I have concluded that they come from eating fat. I can process small quantities of fat, but if I eat a normal Norwegian diet, I get these attacks frequently. If I stick to a low-fat diet, they don’t happen at all.

Usually an attack start by a feeling of intense cold, coming from within. It feels as if I have already spent a lot of time in a cold place and am chilled through. My muscles are stiff and I start shivering and shaking.  The next symptom is usually intense contractions of the bowels, causing abdominal pain and a hurried visit to the bathroom. The stomach is also upset, but not to the point of throwing up, more a deep vague nausea. A sense of dread is typically the third, although these three can sometimes switch places. At this stage my intelligence is reduced – it is hard for me to think clearly, and typing or handwriting is filled with typos; also my senses seem to be dampened, which is why I used to call these attacks “darkenings” before I knew what triggered them. The final stage is overwhelming sleepiness which cannot be resisted. I usually fall asleep in my chair. When I wake up (which I have obviously done every time so far) the attack is over. But my digestion is usually upset for a day or two afterwards.

Today’s attack, if that is what it is, has not been typical. I have been sleepy during the day, napping and waking up just as sleepy. It was similar enough that I thought of Darkening, but without the other symptoms it did not seem reasonable. Then while I was sleepily playing Neverwinter a bit, my heart suddenly started beating very hard. Not extremely fast, but very hard. That certainly made me take notice. Some minutes later, I suddenly started freezing, even though it was not that cold. A little on the chilly side, but nothing as extreme as this (shivering, shaking).  And while my stomach is a little upset, I have not yet had colon spasms.

I know my fat intake has been in the borderlands lately, as I have taken to eating a delicious bread made with oats, sunflower seeds and roasted pumpkin seeds. These seeds are full of fat, and I eat it with mustard and a salad spread made with fine-cut vegetables and mayonnaise. (The mayonnaise is not particularly rich, but this ingredient is one of the ones I tolerate the least usually.) I guess it is possible that I have bumped into the border line of fat intake I can handle, but judging from the incomplete symptoms, I may not have gone far over the line at least.

Or it could be something different, I suppose. The heart gallop is not part of the usual sequence.

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