Round two

Yesterday my head cold was gradually fading, while the throat was still pretty much useless for talking.  (I had hoped to dictate a few minutes each day to my computer.)  Anyway, this is the way things usually go – after a couple days, the cold creeps down from the head to the throat and sometimes the bronchies, where it gradually fades away.

This morning, the head cold was back.  Eyes and nose running, sneezing like a wild beast. The only difference from earlier in the week was that my temperature did not rise at all, while the first time it has crept close to the fever limit but not over it.

It is entirely possible that I have just had two colds on top of each other.  After all, the sneezing, coughing and hacking people on the buses and other public spaces could well have two different virus types.  Perhaps the first was one I got on the bus to Grimstad, and the second one I got on the bus to Møll.  It would fit with the time interval, although I am surprised they would take that long to spring out.

Following the Golden – or at least Silver – rule, I am not making any bus trips myself until this is gone.  I did a quick dive into the supermarket and got enough food for a couple days without sneezing on anyone.  And, almost miraculously, without anyone sneezing on me.  I washed my hands anyway.

If not for the Death Flu, I could start going over to Møll by now, bringing with me various things from here.  It would reduce the need for packing all kinds of small things later, and let me get used to the place, so the actual moving causes less stress.  It is calculated that moving shaves off almost half a year of your life due to stress, even if you move voluntarily.  (So does marrying, by the way, but the older spouse gets this back with interest if they stay married for numerous years. Not that this is in any way relevant.  Just thought you wanted to know.)

Having weekdays off from work is a rare thing indeed. If not for the Death Flu, I’d like to visit the mall east of Kristiansand – it is some years since last time – and try out their Burger King.  I have years ago lamented the lack of competition for McDonalds here in Kristiansand.  The city is certainly big enough for two burger houses, especially now with the university.  After all, there are lots of more classic restaurants. I am not sure how many Chinese, for instance, but at least two.  To have only one burger outlet is… well, un-American to say the least. We are supposed to be a more loyal ally than that.

But I’m not going to any eatery until either the Death Flu or I am gone. Nor am I going to shop except to keep the hunger at bay.  Nor am I going to travel unless I need to.  In a more advanced society, people would have taken this kind of precautions early and we would not have the rapidly mounting death toll we have now.  We could have delayed the pandemic until vaccine was widely available.  But I live in a country of stupid people (as there are no other countries, to the best of my knowledge) so here we are.  I’ll try to do my part. Even if right now it is only a cold.  Probably.