Let sleeping dead lie

Anime characters discussing the Akashic records

“Such a mundane question is nothing for one with access to the Akashic Records.” Actually, I have come to understand that Akashic Records strongly discourage unauthorized broadcast.

I got into a conversation with an old friend online about the movie and book What Dreams May Come. The book and movie are actually quite different, but they both deal with a man’s journey after death and his attempt to rescue the soul of his wife who committed suicide.

The after-worldview of the author is actually somewhat similar to that of the new Japanese religion Happy Science (well, not brand new, it’s from 1986, but as religions go, that is new). It is not entirely surprising, since the body of occult material is rather similar, most of it of East Asian origin. But some also from the West: Swedenborg, for instance, spend a good part of his later years visiting the spirit world, which he tried to express in ways people could understand.

Richard Matheson seems to confine himself to what Happy Science calls the 4th dimension, where the souls of the dead largely prefer to ignore the fact that they are dead, and generally don’t think about spiritual things except the occasional stray thought. Their lives are basically like dreams. Or nightmares, for those who have messed up their souls badly enough. I personally am reluctant to use the word “Heaven” about the world the main character wakes up in once he gives up his attachment to Earth. Sure, it is pretty, but I would say I am more in Heaven right now, for I am still allowed to pray even though I am a sinful man, and repent my sins and experience the presence of the Light in my heart. I would not trade that comfort for the most beautiful of vistas and the presence of long-gone loved ones.


Despite the dire warnings in the Bible, there are still those who seek to contact the dead. But if you understand a bit about the spirit world, you realize that there is no point in seeking out ordinary souls in the fourth dimension. They don’t suddenly become awesome when they die, although I have seen those left behind  show a lot more respect once someone is dead. But that is a change in them, not in the departed. They are still ordinary and there is no particular benefit in contacting them, apart from asking for the combination to the safe. I really don’t think that is worth incurring a conflict with Heaven over.

There are greater souls who rise above this dreamlike state in which most men live and die. But they cannot be summoned – if anything, they could summon you. And you probably would not want that.

There are higher Heavens, several of them. I should probably not be the one teaching about them. Just know, if you ever watch the movie or read the book, that it only deals with the very lowest levels of the spirit world. There are higher, brighter, amazing places beyond the imagination of most people.

Seek the words of the Living, not the dead. The Bible says this from the Pentateuch onward. (Nor do other great religions disagree.) Heaven will make sure to have its duly appointed representatives on Earth when needed, and from them you can take lessons. But let the sleeping dead lie. Whether they are in dreams or in nightmares, they cannot help you, and you cannot help them in that way.